Posted on :Tuesday , 17th October 2023
THE government in collaboration with the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is finalising implementation of Tanzania's 1st Energy Efficiency Action Plan project.
The project seeks to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all in Tanzania.
A key component of the action plan is to build capacities on energy management and audit, whereby practices can be implemented and bring about significant benefits of energy savings.
Speaking to journalists recently at a pilot study site at Silafrica Tanzania Limited office in Dar es Salaam, the UNDP National Energy Efficiency Analyst Mr Robert Washija said the project is aimed at contributing to achieving energy efficiency in households, industry and public buildings.
"The project is aligned with the National Energy Policy and strategic goals set out in the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 which seeks to ensure that energy efficiency plays a key role in contributing to the economic and development growth of the country," said Mr Washija.
He also said the project is relevant to the year 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Initiative.
He said the project is for 3 years commencing 2022 to 2024 where it will spend 9 million Euro where 8 million Euro is provided by the EU and 1 million Euro is provided by UNDP.
Mr Washija said the project fast tracked a 1st set of 7 energy efficiency actions.
"Firstly, we want to enhance energy consumption data of large energy consumers since there is no correct data available.
"The key energy efficiency actions are to review and update the energy efficiency action plan and prepare the energy strategy. Development of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), Labelling, development and implementation of framework for energy performance certification for large buildings," Mr Washija said.
Other key energy efficiency actions are to develop and implement a framework for the management of large energy consumers, development of professional qualifications and skills in energy management and audit as well as creating energy efficiency awareness of the public.
He said the energy audits were conducted at three pre-selected pilot study skates, namely Aga khan, Silafrica Ltd and PSSSF Complex.
"The pilot study provided a set of recommendations to the business and identified areas of energy reduction and performance improvement and an investment plan for energy efficiency and carbon emissions reduction towards a net zero agenda," said Mr Washija.
The Silafrica Tanzania Limited Chief Executive Officer, Mr Alpesh Patel said the industry implemented the project which enabled them to reduce cost and save energy.
"By implementing the energy efficiency project, we have benefited from identifying improper use and knowing how and what things to work on to use energy properly without affecting production and making profits," said Mr Patel.
Through his testimony Mr Patel said Silafrica reduced the consumption of electricity from 13 million units worth 2.041bn/- to 12 million units worth 1.8bn/- which is a saving of 157m/- per year while they increased its production, providing 700 to 1000 tonnes per month.
On his part, an electrical engineer with Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organisation (TIRDO) Mr Augustino Masse, said through the project, the organisation educates people on the use of machines to know which part is wasting energy and provide professional advice on the best way to operate their machines in order to save energy.
The implementing partners are Tanzania bureau of Standards (TBS), the President's Office Regional Administrative and Local Government (PO-RALG), Energy and Water utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA), the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Tanzania Industry Research and Development Organisation (TIRDO), Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) and National Construction Council (NCC).
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